About me

Harr, harr, kaeptn speaking and you found your way (back) to my (new) bLog. I am focussing my life on daring new traveling adventures, writing and publishing cool literature. Pushing the boundaries of literature into unknown dimensions and turning my 500+ old skateboard into colorful and conscious-altering art. That’s that and it has been quite a trip so far and I am just about to gain momentum for something even bigger – you have been warned!

a disclaimer before you start: this is not your average blog, it’s punk’n roll, it’s full of swears, sex, crazy stories and psychedelic adventures.

so enjoy or leave this page immediately. (and don’ tell me I didn’t told you so!)

=> use the labels to go to specific adventures or topics. everything is under construction all the time… =) and this thing will – in the course of time – be turned into the most beautiful blog on the planet, but you’ll have to return frequently.

THE LONG WALK WEST is my first adventure, if you are not sure where to start, this might be a good place, since this is where all of this (including this blog and my actual life as a kaeptn) started.

my interpuntion and orthography changes all the time. the German and English changes all the time. I am still uncertain whether I want to keep up writing the German version of this blog, since my mommy, for whom I initially started this whole shizzle, doesn’t really read this anymore.

To be honest, I am still marvel at the fact that this blog is being views several thousand times per month.

I know that I know birdshit about almost everything that concerns life, the universe and everything.

At the moment: I am in the Vancouver Area looking for a car with next to no money in my pocket and a bag full of poetry no one is ready to listen to, yet. So if you know anything, anywhere, anyhow or you want to partake in the Crowdfunding to actually pay for the car, that would be awesome. 🙂

my life’s story and all the other crap will be updated soon, later or maybe never.